The Prayer-Care-Share Lifestyle

At its heart, the Prayer-Care-Share (PCS) is a lifestyle demonstrating the gospel by loving our neighbors combined with the proclamation of the gospel as the Lord gives opportunity, all undergirded by prayer.

To live a PCS lifestyle we allow the Holy Spirit to live in and work through us in the following ways…

… PRAYING for others

Prayer is the first and best thing we can do for the people in our networks (those among whom you do life with - where you live, learn, work, and play). As we pray for people, it is common for God to put it on our hearts to show His love in tangible ways.…

… CARING for others

You have heard the phrase that people don’t care how much you know until
they know how much you care. Acts of kindness or care can open ways to
communicate the gospel. Those living a PCS lifestyle, respond to the Spirit’s
leading in prayer to show care for people around them.

….SHARING THE GOSPEL with others

As we pray for people and demonstrate care in tangible ways, God will often
open up doors for us to have spiritual conversations. The ultimate act of love is sharing the gospel of Christ with people in our networks. 

The PCS lifestyle is a rhythm of life where we put the needs and interests of
others above ourselves because of what Jesus has done for us.