
Introducing Oikos to Your Pursue Group for the First Time

We all have a network of people that God sovereignly gave us where we live, work, learn and/or play. Jesus gave us these relationships – to reach out to them with a Prayer-Care-Share lifestyle.

Every week each participant in your groups will be encouraged to think and pray about people in their OIKOS.

An oikos is one’s circle of influence (network) composed of family, friends, acquaintances, colleagues & neighbors. Oikos is the Greek word meaning “family, home or extended household.” In relation to our mission, our oikos are a group of people with whom we share life. This is the most natural & common environment for evangelism to occur. This network is where God places us. God wants to use us among them.

In verses 11-15, Paul shares the gospel and Lydia comes to Christ. In v.15 we see that Paul is baptizing Lydia’s entire household. This same thing happened with the jailer in Acts 16:25-34.

We move from the scene of Paul talking with the jailer in v.31 to him sharing with the entire household in v.32, and then in v.33 he is baptizing all of them.

Oikos evangelism is God’s natural bridge for sharing His supernatural message. We refer to this as “the natural mode of evangelism.” It focuses on relationships as the means of sharing the good news. In the basic model, non-believers see lives transformed which, in turn, is supported by their testimony, and be used to convince others to follow Christ.

Watch a video about OIKOS. (4:00 min.)

By the end of Session 4, our hope is that each of us will write down on our Oikos Network List the names of 5-10 people who, in our opinion, are far from God (non-churched/non-Christian). These people are friends, neighbors, workmates, relatives, clerks in stores, etc. If you don’t know their name, write a description of them like “the lady who I buy vegetables from.”

Going on the Mission

Motivation for Accountability

Obedience reflects faith, hope and love...obedience to Christ manifests our faith, our hope & our love. Obedience makes us aware of the presence of faith, hope & love - shows the beauty of - the strength and character of our faith, our hope and our love.