
When Someone Says Yes to Jesus

Remind them of the three things we need to do when someone says “yes” to the gospel.

  1. Let them know that you want to help them grow in their new relationship with Jesus. Set up a time to start meeting with them for Bible study. Invite them to your church fellowship. As you follow the person up, help them to gain a vision for sharing their faith, albeit new faith in Christ and be intentional in it. Here is how you can motivate for this. Say, “Builders keep lists: running tallies of lumber, lunch orders, roofing nails, and the like. A CoJourner does the same in their role as a Builder. We want to pray by name for those God has carefully placed in our life who don’t yet know Him. It’s a list we can always add to and update as we explore the lives of our friends and acquaintances.”
  2. Ask them, “Who are some others that need to hear this?” Encourage them to pray for those people regularly. Help them download GodTools or encourage using Gospel on a Napkin. (This is a VERY important step that allows us to see the multiplication of the gospel. We have learned that a Person of Peace is a person of relationship. They are excited and open to reach their network of family and friends with the good news. You are simply casting a vision for this from the very beginning of their new life in Christ.)
  3. Pray for them before you leave.