
Explorer Tools

Explorers enter unknown territory to discover, learn, and understand. Most people’s spiritual journeys are unknown territory to us, even if we have known them for a long time. As explorers, we listen and ask good questions to discover where people are on their journey. There are many Explorer tools that help us initiate spiritual conversations or take a conversation farther or deeper.

Jesus Film Clips

One of the most effective strategies used worldwide is the Jesus Film Project app. It uses the power of film to create opportunities for people to engage with the life-changing story of Jesus, in their heart language, no matter where they are in the world. You can use very short clips to do anything from introducing someone who has never heard of Jesus to one of His key teachings, to leveraging the power of visual media when doing a small group. Clips like this really help the Scripture to “come alive”.

There are also 43 different creative, short films you can find on the app and each has the option to share those films via text or social media. There are discussion questions you can ask to start conversations about the film. You can download the Jesus FIlm App here.

The Sometime Strategy

SomeTime is an experience dedicated to exploring the back-stories of our friends. During this experience, you will be asking friends, “Sometime, I’d like to hear about your spiritual journey…would you be up for that?” It’s really that simple!

As you meet with them, you listen to their story. Most likely they will ask you about your story, and you can share! If they don’t ask you, you can say, “Hey next time we get together, I’d like to share my story with you. Does that sound okay?” You might be just two appointments away from the opportunity to share the gospel!

Story of the Soul

Story of the Soul is an interactive, coffeehouse experience. Using art, film, music, poetry and other media, we explore the stories the soul of mankind is and has always been telling. Each event centers around a universal theme that seeks to answer common questions every human soul wrestles with. Through guided discussions around film clips, songs, poetry and art, we discover how our wounds can be healed and how our longings can be satisfied through the Gospel. You can download a toolkit here to understand the process and plan your own Story of the Soul outreach.

Life in the City

Life in the City is a questionnaire that gauges people’s spiritual temperature, creates opportunities for spiritual conversations and connects them to opportunities to serve.

As God’s people, we must understand His heart for the city and understand what cities need from His people. Our response as Christians to the needs and troubles of the people in the city will reflect what is most on the heart of Jesus. This tool will help you onnect to people and bring them closer to the systemic problems of the city.

You can find Life in the City (mobile and desktop web version) here.