
Remembering Jesus' Sacrifice


The New Covenant

What is new about the new covenant is that the biblical story must be now seen in Christ?

The union with God foreseen here is union with Christ.

  1. The people of God are the community of which Jesus Christ is the head.
  2. The law written on their hearts is the law of Christ.
  3. Walking with God is communion with Christ.
  4. The forgiveness of sin was won by Christ on the cross. Luke 22:21 – “this cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.”

At this table we…


The Lord's Table is a time for reflective worship, a time for:

First, we are to be sharing in the reality of who and what Jesus Christ really
means to us, calling to mind what His person, death, present life, and coming again mean to us—reflecting also on how this has and should affect us.

Second, as a fellowship it is a sharing together with one another. As we pass the elements, we are demonstrating our common faith, love & devotion to Christ.

“We ask you to hold the elements until all have been served so we may partake of the elements as one to express our unity in Christ.”


The Gospel revealed at this table demonstrates His love for us in while we were yet sinners Christ died for us; that none are righteous, not one; all are guilty, will be judged & need forgiveness; that in His sovereign mercy “through faith in Christ, His ighteousness becomes our righteousness and all that he has becomes ours.” (Martin Luther)

The resurrection of Jesus is the reward of His death in our place. It is clear: the blood of Jesus perfectly fulfilled God’s covenant promises to save us. His resurrection of Jesus ensures He has secured our eternal glory! Read with me: Hebrews 2:9-10

He is the crowned founder of our salvation! He rose; proving the eternal value of His death! Jesus’ cross truly justifies us.


He can put His foot on Satan’s neck! // Jesus has the authority & power to rule all things.